
AeroGarden Makes Growing Indoors Easy

Outdoor gardening made easier...and indoors!

There are many reasons why you may want an indoor garden in your home, maybe you like fresh herbs for cooking, fresh flowers for their scent, or an ordinary house plant to serve as a green accent when remodeling your living room. These are all great reasons, but now the desire to grow a garden indoors could be even more enticing due to the fact many of us are spending a whole lot more time confined to our homes due to the pandemic.

Enthusiasm for growing indoors has skyrocketed over the past year and interest continues to grow as people realize having plants in their homes can have a therapeutic effect, and possibly even help in relieving stress. Studies have shown that caring for living, growing plants in your home can have the capability of helping with a person's relaxation, happiness and attentiveness.

There may not be a an easier way to quickly begin realizing the healthy benefits of growing plants in your home than with an AeroGarden, the smart, in-home garden system. The AeroGarden’s easy set-up, simple controls and ‘no soil’ way of growing make for worry-free, guaranteed results in any season. Plus, since your plants are grown hydroponically, they regularly grow five times faster than a traditional outdoor garden – no green thumb required.

Which AeroGarden Is Right for You?

From small to tall, there are many different models to choose from - browse our collection of indoor gardening systems to find the right model for you.

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